Customised Programmes
Becoming a Personal Assistant (PA)
To provide an overview of working as a personal assistant.
- Be able to list roles and responsibilities
- List the training and values needed in providing care and support to l citizens in enhancing their quality of life, improving wellbeing, and providing a positive experience of care
- Describe the training requirements required
- List the requirements for legal working
Target Audience:
Anyone who is thinking of becoming a personal assistant (PA) or wished to find out about the PA role.
Course Content:
- understanding about personal assistants including the values and behaviours that underpin good support and care- dignity, confidentiality, wellbeing and enablement
- review the personalisation agenda, understand direct payments and personalisation
- describe your responsibilities- tax, insurance etc
- Be aware of best practice from sector skills guides- skills for care
- Core skills- be aware of recommended training
- Have opportunity to discuss PA issues with existing PA
- Signposting to resources available
- Finding work- exploring ways of gaining employment
- Criminal record bureau- understanding the purpose and process of CRBs- how to apply for one
- Improving your employability- what makes you a ‘good’ employee
- Progression routes in care- where next?
This course provides an overview of the role of the personal assistant as well as examining what the job involves and what the PA responsibilities are. It allows the opportunity to discuss working as a PA, and provides a list of resources available for further information.
To find out more about these courses please contact our office on 01922 683976 to speak to one of our team or email us on or complete our course interest form by clicking here.