To learn about dysphasia, the affects it has on clients.
- Understand communication methods
- Exploring diet requirements
- Practice required first aid
- Examine the anatomy and physiology of speech
Target Audience:
This course will greatly benefit anyone who may have to deal with, or support dysphasic clients.
Course Content:
- Understanding dysphasia - signs and symptoms
- How speech works
- Importance of encouraging vocalization
- Alternative communication methods
- Chocking reflex
- First aid response to chocking
- Diet and food
- Feeding
- Evaluations and endings
The course examines the condition of dysphasia, looking at the sufferer and coping and support strategies that careers can implement to assist the client.
To find out more about these courses please contact our office on 01922 683976 to speak to one of our team or email us on info@apex-ct.co.uk or complete our course interest form by clicking here.